He's There and Always

Life is like a roller coaster. Sometimes you go up
Sometimes down. Life is never easy nor is it exciting without
Someone to share a seat with that forever ride.
Not asking, I have been with someone who's ALWAYS
There to share the seat with in that roller coaster...
He's there beside me, when the world's against me.
(He was the one who believed I did not eat the
Hotdog intended for my younger sister.)
He's ever ready to lend a hand when I need
Someone to help me.
(He mowed our lawn my mom told me to work on
but which remained undone 3 weeks.)
He always lifts me up when I'm feeling down.
(He reached a book from a tall shelf for me.)
He offers his handkerchief when tears start
Falling down my cheeks.
(He offered me his hanky when I was peeling onions.)